Mission Statement: To improve the overall well-being of agriculture and enrich the quality of rural community life.

Professional Development for Educators
Every summer we offer a free workshop for eductors Prek-12 to experience agriculture up close and in person. Our two day workshop consists of field trips to farms and ag businesses, presentations by commodity groups, and a workshop with Illinois Ag in the Classroom. Educators leave with real knowledge of agriculture and with lots of resources and ideas to help them integrate agriculture into their lesson plans.
This year's workshop will be:
Contact our ag in the classroom coordinator for more information.

Farm & Agri-business Visits
Educators get a true idea of what happens on the farm or agribusiness as they visit and talk with farmer or manager about what they do.

Commodity Presenters
Representatives from Illinois Corn, Soybean, Beef, Dairy, and Pork are invited to share educational materials that they have available to educators.

Illinois Ag in the Classroom
Representatives from Illinois Ag in the Classroom share hands-on lessons, ag-accurate books, and other valuable resources.